Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Wisdom of Proverbs

Lesson for April 08, 2018

Proverbs 1:1-7, 3:1-8, 22:1-10

Image result for image of making a choice
When you make a choice, what do you base your decision on?

After you make your choice, do you follow up and do it?

What characteristics do you want from those that give you advice for your choices?

Three points

1. God inspired Solomon to write Proverbs so we could gain understanding, receive instruction in prudence, and to acquire knowledge and discretion.  Proverbs 1:1-7
2. Seeking wisdom and making wise choices is rewarding.  Proverbs 3:1-8
3. The book of Proverbs gives practical help on just about any topic. Proverbs 22:1-10

Point 1: Why were the Proverbs written?
Read Proverbs 1:1-7
Who would you go to for advice on:
- a class at school
- how to make money
- how to get better at sports
- how to get the attention of a hot girl at school?

Can the proverbs written by Solomon help with any of those topics?  Think about the life and experiences of Solomon.  Consider that his teachings were inspired by God.  Have you ever read God's Word to help you with a decision?  What are God's credentials?

V. 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
    but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

When we don't respect someone, we tend to ignore their advice.  If we respect a person, we may follow their advice even when it is bad.  The ultimate test of how much we love and respect God, how much we REVERE God, is determined by how we seek His counsel and do what He says.

Because God is omniscient and completely knows our past, present, and future, we can count on God to have the best advice for us in every area of life.  Most the time, he reveals insights when we read His Word.

Point 2: Wisdom's rewards
Read Proverbs 3:1-8

List the blessings of seeking wisdom and obeying God's teachings:
 - peace for all the years of your life
- favor and a good reputation with God and people
- straight paths
- good health

What are the conditions for these rewards of wisdom?

What is a blessing you have experienced when you made a choice that you knew God would be happy with?

Point 3: Practical advice
Read Proverbs 22:1-10

For each verse, what is the practical help?  How can you apply it in your own situation? 

What are some areas of your life where you seek the counsel of the UN-Godly?

No matter how old we are, we will be influenced by immoral people (at school, television, music), greedy people (get rich quick sellers), humanistic people (universities, intellectuals), worldly people (anyone whose only focus is  on this life, YOLO), and others that distract us from God's teaching.

When we truly fear the Lord (and submit to HIM), then we are able to make right choices with eternal benefits.  Even with all of the God-given wisdom that Solomon had, he still made a lot of wrong choices and failed to live wholeheartedly for God.

Only by experiencing the salvation that comes from faith in Jesus can we overcome the penalty of all the wrong choices we have made, are making, and will make in the future.

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