Saturday, June 30, 2018

Do You Got The Joy?

What is the secret of a joyful life?
  • Fast cars 
  • Big house 
  • Beautiful wife 
  • Everybody knows your name 
  • The freedom to do about anything you want about anytime you want 
Kanye has all that, so why isn't he smiling?

Joy is NOT another word for happiness.  Happiness is temporary and changes based on circumstances.  True JOY and HAPPINESS are also both based on contentment.

The apostle Paul learned how to be content in any circumstance whether he had a little or a lot-- whether he had his freedom or shackles-- Paul found his joy in knowing Jesus and making Jesus known.

Paul preached in Philippi on his second missionary journey.  While there, he introduced Lydia to the gospel.  Lydia was a successful businesswoman who sold purple cloth.  He also cast a demon out of a fortune teller woman. She followed them around yelling, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.”

Even though deliverance from demons was good for the woman, her slave owners were furious that she could no longer make money for them.  They got the crowd excited to the point that Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and thrown in jail.

While in jail, God caused an earthquake to happen that eventually led to Paul's guard and the guard's whole family being saved. From all these events, good and bad for Paul and Silas, a strong group of believers formed in Philippi.

Now Paul is in prison after appealing to have his case heard by Caesar.  From prison, Paul wrote the letter of Philippians.

Philippians 1:3-6: I thank my God every time I remember you.In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Who are the people you are truly thankful for?  Do you pray for them with joy?  If not, what can you do to pray with joy?

Philippians 1:12-14: Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.

Have you every experienced a difficult or challenging situation that worked out for the best?  What about a hard experience that helped someone come to know Jesus?

I have a problem with pastors who preach a prosperity gospel when so many Christians around the world are living with so little.

Surprisingly, in Philippians 1:15-18, Paul commented that some preached Christ out of selfish ambition and to make trouble for him.  However, Paul rejoiced that people were hearing the good news of Jesus for whatever reason.

Since salvation is the greatest thing that can happen for a person, how do we balance the joy of seeing someone saved even if the messenger is not properly speaking the truths of God?

Paul said, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

He went on to rejoice in his tough circumstances.  He actually believed that it would be better for him if he was killed, but he was willing to continue on in his life for the benefit of the churches he had started.

Philippians 1:22-24: For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.

What would you be willing to go through to see your friends know or grow in Christ?

Whatever happens, Paul urges us to live in a manner worthy of Christ.  A life of joy only comes through finding our contentment in Jesus.  The strange thing about he Gospel is that it actually thrives in adverse or difficult circumstances.

 Philippians 1:27-29: Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God. For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Shipwreck:Trust in the Storm

Acts 27:13-20, Acts 27:21-44, Acts 28:1-16

In Acts 23, the Lord encouraged Paul by saying "Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome."  Paul understood that it was God's plan to send him to Rome to witness to Caesar and his household about Jesus and the salvation that comes through Him.

 Just because you are inside of God's will for your life, that doesn't mean you may not go through storms!  Those storms, however, may be what you need to strengthen your faith, encourage others going through the same storm, and lead you to unexpected blessings.

Key Points:
1. Being inside of God's will for your life does not mean being outside of life's storms. Acts 27:13-20
2. Sharing with others what God has taught you can help them get through the storm. Acts 27:21-44
3. Your troubles can turn into a surprise blessing for you and  others. Acts 28:1-16

Read Acts 27:13-20
A Centurion was in charge of getting Paul and the other prisoners to Rome.  While on the way to Rome, the Centurion and the ship's captain decided to sail to Phoenix for the winter.  Paul advised against this plan.

What happened as they sailed to Phoenix on their way to Rome?
How did the hurricane like storm affect the people?

Paul was going to Rome as Jesus told him he must.  Why did God let the 'Northeaster' blow into their lives when Paul was just following God's plan? 

What are some times when you felt you were living exactly in the center of God's plan for your life yet troubles came along?  Did you blame yourself and assume you must have done something wrong?  Did you blame God and get mad at God?

Being inside of God's will for your life does not mean being outside of life's storms.

Read Acts 27:21-44
Once again, Paul received encouragement.  This time from an angel.

What does it tell you about Paul's relationship with these people and his relationship with God that he was willing to boldly tell them that
(1) an angel spoke to him
(2) they would all survive?

Paul's bold statement was balanced by the fact that he understood that God's plan would be worked out by the people there.  When the sailors saw an opportunity to abandon ship and attempt to save their own skins, Paul warned the centurion,
“Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” (V.31)

Paul wasn't worried about his own rescue by God; he was worried about the salvation of these others.
John B. Polhill commented that there may have been an intended double meaning.

A literal translation of the latter phrase would be ‘this is necessary for your salvation’ (sōtērias). There may be a veiled symbolism in the use of this word, a reminder to a Christian reader that the same God who delivered the storm-tossed voyagers from physical harm is the God who in Christ brings ultimate salvation and true eternal life. 

What are things you can do to be ready to share salvation with someone in their times of trouble?

Sharing with others what God has taught you can help them get through the storm.

 Read Acts 28:1-16
After God rescued every single person as he promised, the castaways were blessed by the local people with hospitality in their need.  As it turned out, Paul had the opportunity to bless many  sick people by healing them in Jesus' name.  One of the sick people healed was the father of the island's chief official Publius.

According to early church history, Publius became a Christian and was martyred for his faith years later.

What is the blessing of dying for your faith and how does that demonstrate that God fulfills his plan for our lives?

It was better for Publius to be murdered for his faith than to die with his sin in any other way.  Publius no doubt was thankful for the storm that shipwrecked Paul.

Ultimately, Paul arrived in Rome just as God had promised.  While there, people even from Caesar's household became Christians and Paul wrote some of his letters that became part of the New Testament.

Your troubles can turn into a surprise blessing for you and  others.  

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Taking the Stand for Jesus

Acts 23:1-24

I’ve never truly faced persecution
Never been in prison waiting execution
Can’t say I’ve ever been tested for my faith.
I’ve never been on trial facing prosecution
Never forced to speak with elocution,
At the point of a gun... for my true faith.

These are the words of a rhyme I wrote confessing that it is easier to CLAIM faithfulness than to stand for faith when the trial begins.

I wrote this rhyme before the events of the Columbine High School shooting.  Though I doubt the exact events will be known on this side of Heaven, clearly Rachel Joy Scott was killed because of her faith in Christ.  How the tragedy played out is a topic for debate, but powerful versions of the story have been told in various media including the Pure Flix Entertainment film I'm Not Ashamed.

Down through history, Christians have been required to take a stand and take the stand because of their faith in Jesus Christ.  The most influential person to go to trial for his faith was the apostle Paul.  How did Paul get to the events of our story in Acts 23?

  1. Paul was completing his third missionary journey. Acts 20-21
  2. Paul desired to go back to Jerusalem and share with the Jewish Christians the amazing work that God was doing among Gentiles.
  3. Agabus prophesied that Paul would be bound and delivered into the hands of the Gentiles when he returned to Jerusalem.
  4. Paul declared he was willing to be imprisoned and even die, if necessary, for the Gospel.
  5. Paul met with the Apostles in Jerusalem and confirmed the authenticity of the Gentiles' faith.
  6. Upon visiting the temple, Paul was falsely accused and beaten by Jews opposing him.
  7. Roman soldiers rescued Paul giving him the opportunity to speak to the people.
  8. Paul told his testimony to the crowd, the story of his salvation and what God was doing in his life. Acts 22
  9. When Paul confessed that God sent him to preach to the Gentiles, the Jewish crowd rioted.
  10. The Roman commander that rescued Paul wanted to understand what was causing such an uproar so he ordered the Jewish leaders to meet and hear Paul out.
Read Acts 23:1-5

Even Paul's opening statement was met with opposition!

Have you ever tried to witness for Christ or speak up for something right only to be immediately shut down?  Were you discouraged and didn't go any farther, or did you fight through the opposition?

Read Acts 23:6-10
How did Paul successfully turn the topic of discussion to what he wanted to talk about?

What are some ways that you can create opportunities to witness to your friends by turning the topic of discussion?

 Paul knew that "resurrection" was a hot topic of debate between the Pharisees and Sadducees.  What  does the "hope of the resurrection of the dead" mean to believers?  Why is resurrection fundamental to the Christian faith?

Read Acts 23:11

This appearance of Jesus to Paul is easy to forget, but it must have been an amazing comfort to Paul because he understood that his life was about to change dramatically.

When we take a stand for Jesus, he also stands with us as described in this verse.

Read Acts 23:12-24

When we are part of God's plan, we do not need to worry about whether it could fall apart.  The Lord told Paul what was ahead for him and then it was in the Lord's hands to make sure nothing prevented it from happening.

By contrast, what did the 40+ Jews swear to do?  Swearing an oath (as done in Biblical times or as a disrespectful expression in modern times) is offensive to God because it puts people in the place of God.  The conspirators swore not to eat until Paul was killed (something that didn't happen for at least two more years).  They must have been really hungry waiting to kill Paul while he was in house arrest in Rome.

God will give us opportunities to stand up for him.
We will face opposition.
Within God's plan, everything will come to pass because God never fails
There is no guarantee that God's plan will lead to ease and comfort for us as believers.

Mistakes were Made: The Journey of Judas Iscariot, Son of Simon

When we want to acknowledge poor handling of a situation, without truly admitting guilt or assigning blame, we might say... 'mistakes we...